How to edit your template
Text instructions on how to edit your template
Download Adobe Reader
Download your free copy of Adobe Reader for Mac or PC.
Once you've installed Adobe Reader open your PDF template with Adobe Reader (if it doesn't do this automatically then right click and select "Open with")
Now the document will open in Adobe Reader!
Editing the template
Once you have your template open select the text you want to change with your cursor and start typing the text you want to replace it with.
To change the images just hover your mouse over the image you want to change and click it. You will see a dialog pop up like the one below.
The image will be automatically resized the fit the template. No cropping needed! But for best results try to make sure the image's aspect ratio is similar to the one in the original template.
Printing and saving
When you're happy with the results save your PDF and print it by clicking File>Print (or cmd/ctrl-p)
You can also email your template to your clients by attaching the PDF as an "email attachement".
Frequently asked questions
How do I edit the templates on my computer?
Download Adobe Reader (you can download it for the a Mac and the PC). In most cases, your computer probably already has Adobe Reader before - especially if you've ever opened up a pdf document.
I've downloaded Adobe Reader, now how do I edit the files?
Download the flyer you bought from the email and open the flyer with Adobe Reader. From there you can start easily editing your flyer. You can also get more info by looking at the documentation
Can you edit the flyers fast?
Once you have your property descriptions and images ready you can cusotmize your template in about 10-15 minutes - even faster if you've already worked with the flyer before.
How do I change the layout of these flyers
Right now you cannont change the structure of the real esate flyers. The templates layout's are meant to be fixed so it make it easy to quickly edit them without breaking the layout. However, if you have any issues with editing the flyers you can always give out suppor team a shout and they'll help you out
Do you have an exchange policy?
If you're not completely satisfied with your template please contact us and we'll send you another flyer right away.
What can't edit on the template
Is there anything I can't cusotmize on the flyer?
You can edit all the text and images of the flyer. You can't change the overall layout of the flyer and colors.